Someday I hope to make it out west to Coors (Golden, CO for the tour). Maybe while I'm there I hit the New Belgium and Fort Collins Brewery tours. I thought I would mention this contest for an American classic. Always had a soft spot for the Banquet Beer, some good times associated with it, plus, of course, Smokey and the Bandit, one of the best movies of all time. Like others I have some favorites for some occasions, (like Bells Oberon while on Sean's boat), and Coors has occasionally been the fill in for those times when a session beer is needed.
This contest was to pick the next can to hold their beer. I liked the blue-bottomed post Prohibition can (B), but I think a small part of me wants to have all the cans so I can re-start my beer can collection that we (well, mostly my dad and brothers) started when we were kids.
As it turns out, by the time I posted this the contest is over and my can won! I don't know why I am telling you this other than I hoped the contest would go on longer and you could participate.
Are there any other CO breweries I missed? Let me know so I can plan that trip!
Actually after posting I looked to see hoping that Ft Collins and Golden were near each other. They were, as it turns out.