But enough about that, let's talk about something good! Contact High from 4 Hands Brewing in St Louis. Maybe its because our summer was so cool and wet I really didn't get to enjoy the beers a hot summer usually provided for me. Besides only small amounts of Oberons, Gumballheads and SA Summer Ales I really was missing out, and I totally did not even see this one at all. Maybe it didn't matter, since some talk from some St Louis folks says they didnt see it on the Chicgao area shelves until august anyway. This is so much unlike the other summer beers around here I mentioned, since we often see Oberon early and often just about everywhere, and if not for the new Half Quart variety we might not have seen hardly any at all.
Wheaty and yeasty, but with a hint of orange, this one really does remind me of an Oberon, but it is a little lighter in color and unlike Bells products, it is filtered. But it has more of a hop quick to it than those others mentioned, which really balances it out well. Crisp finish but also a thrist quencher this one does the trick.

Poured from the can into a Pint Glass, rather cold.
CBC Rating: 5.
ABV%: 5.
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