Monday, November 28, 2011

Craft Beer Monday Review: Two Brothers Cane and Ebel

I had tasted this previously at the Tap House on draft more than once, but they were occasions where I had a large variety of beers so I couldn't really taste all the different tastes that this one really holds. Especially since two of those times were at the Hop Juice Festival, and after the massive blow from that one my taste buds were pounded for the rest of the day anyway.

This beer is really unique. It is a strong rye, which I have tasted in other ones that did it without as much fanfare. In other words, the rye in this brew was really bold, giving it a strong peppery flavor that was a little too much, I thought. A certain level of spiciness is good, so long as there is sweetness to counterbalance it a little. I thought there was not enough sweetness. It mentions that there is palm sugar which adds to its creaminess, but I did not detect that at all. 

On top of that, the hops are boldly present, so the citrus and bold bitterness are all strong characteristics of this beer. Not for the timid, the session drinker or even if you want more than one, I think. This bottle was handed to me by fellow craft beer fan Cleveland Steve. I split it at a drinking session recently and drinking a half bottle was enough for me.

CBC rating: 4. I would say it is unique and strong, but I look for balance in a beer and I think it could have used some balance and not just knock you out bold in some areas.

 Stats: ABV: 7.0%, IBU: 68.

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