Another offering from New Holland, with quite the pretty label and color selection. The yin and yang theme, here, is a little obvious to me, that a choice of a session beer (even though there has been a lot of discussion about what a session beer actually is) being balanced is a given, since a kolsch is by definition clean and refreshing so it is the most balanced beer anyway. But it is still a pretty label. Plus some of my favorite beers are Kolsches. Those Germans can really nail down an array of beer styles with such ease! I always looked forward to Goose Island's Summertime Kolsch and Metropolitan Krankshaft is one of the best. We can have a discussion about different opinions on beer styles a little later.
It is crisp and clean and tasty, and the lowered alcohol is a plus for this refresher, without it being a Light beer.I have encountered some beers with a lowered alcohol content lacking taste. Sorry to nail down Wasatch but, I wanted to like them so much because they have some of the best names and labels but the beer is just so so bad.
My CBC Rating is 4. I would love to drink some more of this beer, a good duration beer if ever there was one.
ABV: 4.8%.
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