Not that there is anything wrong with that, but since the flavor is much more bold with more alcohol, the crisp and mellower flavors of this one, I think, work against it. It is more of a refresher, with its clean tastes and and subtle spiciness. I think it should be more of a summer beer than a springtime beer, if you ask me.
Putting that aside, I thought it was, after all, a little unimaginative, and falls a little short of those I can compare it with, the classic Belgians (St. Bernardus) or even Allagash. I know it is sometimes not fair to compare it to "the world class" beers out there, or those breweries who only brew one style, but in the past TB has managed to dominate styles no one else wants to tackle (try DD, Cane and Ebel or Northwind to see what I mean).
CBC Review: 3. Swapped with SteveA for this one, he purchased in the case from Costco, he tells me. Drank straight from the bottle on Easter.
ABV: 4.5%.
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