Monday, May 14, 2012

Seasonal Beer Review: Capital Maibock

In case you hadn't noticed, I do try to seek out the Midwest beer offerings when I am buying beer, and it is easier since I shop at Marianos and Binny's, who both sell those local beers I enjoy, so I guess it is not unusual for me to be reviewing this one. But you may ask why it has taken me this long to try or review the Maibock.

That would be a good question. I guess, for some reason, I have been noticing that Spring beers don't get as much fanfare as other seasons, especially in the last few years.

If you look around you see Oberon and other summer beers popping up and a lot of brewers launching the IPAs and other pales, but spring has seemed to slip by unnoticed. Maybe it is also because the standout Spring beer we all waited for was Bock and since Shiner is available cheap year round maybe it has covered up that seasonal launch a little.

But I will try, in the future, to be more aware of those and taste them when they do come out.

Does anyone else enjoy the Maibocks? Are there any other beers known for a Spring release that may need to be sampled? They don't necessarily need to be Midwest only but that would be preferred. 

Its too bad I have been ignoring this one, the Capital Maibock. It is, quite simply, smooth, balanced, higher in alcohol and refreshing. Maibock are defined by Beer Advocate this way:

The Maibock style of beer tends to be lighter in color than other Bock beers and often has a significant hop character with a noticeable alcohol around the same as a traditional Bock. Maibocks are customarily served in the spring and are oftentimes interrelated with spring festivals and celebrations more often in the month of May.

So there you go. It was really kind of good. Plus, it passed another test of mine: I was a little impatient so I didn't chill it to the usual coldness (it was kind of warmish) and it was still a winner for me.

CBC Rating: 5. A really decent representation of this style, which I hadn't reviewed yet really.

ABV: 6.2%

Purchased in a pick your own six-pack at Mariano's.

1 comment:

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