I was lucky enough to do a small beer tasting with CBC Member Steve-o and he picked up the three from Argus at Binny's for a create your own 6-pack. It was a good way to taste them, since they offer the three different selections from Argus and I wasn't familiar with any of them up to that point. I have personally never seen them in a bar, but Bingo had reported them in the Southwest by him, plus Steve A-Bell reported that he went to
the bar where they first launched their McCaffereys Irish Cream Ale, and that it was quite unique and tasty.
The three we tasted were the Holsteiner Lager, the Pegasus IPA and the California Steam. The third I was a little puzzled by, not only because the Steam name is trademarked by
Anchor, but that Argus even brewed a California Common. Very rare indeed. As it turned out, I was happy enough with all three. They each had their own characteristics and I think I will need to try them all again. This time I will pick them up and Steve and I can taste them and re-rate them.
We started with the Steam, and it was surely a malty offering, tasting a lot to me like a Vienna (like Sam Adams Lager), but it was decent enough and a little different without being too heavy or tangy. More of an average beer than anything else, but with a little different taste than I have had much before.
CBC rating: 3. ABV: 5.4%.
In the mean time, the Pegasus IPA was a little on the milder side of the hop,
but still a smooth mellow brew. Flower and pine, but still not very bold, plus this unfiltered one poured a little dark and foamy. Overall not too bad, but more of an American IPA as it describes itself. As I spoke on another occasion blurring the lines of American Pale Ales and others makes me not sure where it falls, especially with this rather unknown description.
CBC Rating: 3. ABV: 6.5%
Finally the Holsteiner Lager, which is described as a Marzen, an Oktoberfest specialty, but it is not so much like one. It is a little dark and malty, but I think there is too much bitterness to be like other Marzens, like Sam Adams, Paulaner, Hacker-Pschorr etc. This is unique but I don't think it is of my liking so much.
CBC rating: 2. ABV: 6.0%
Maybe at a pub served on tap and maybe under different circumstances I would have other feelings. On the whole, at least, for a newer brewer I don't think their beer is that bad, but they just don't thrill me too much.