Monday, November 21, 2011

Craft Beer Monday Review: Tyranena Rocky's Revenge

"Deep in the darkest depths of Rock Lake, prowls a great Saurian known today as Rocky".

This is just a portion of the entire message printed on the label, click on the title above for their full explanation of it. Just to review it appears that not only is Rocky a legend but the name Tyranena is also. That is really a great position to be in as a marketer of local beers. See many of their others for this same trend (Chief Blackhawk Porter, etc.)

Personally, I have had mixed reviews of Tyranena. I enjoy the Blackhawk, the Headless Man and the Stone Tepee, but I had the Three Beaches Honey that gagged me pretty badly. But I put Rocky's in the good category. It really hit the spot.

Described as a Brown Ale, I find that it adheres to the traditional English browns by having a definite malt presence, with a slight amount of bitterness, dark with a tan head, unfiltered, a nice amount of sweetness. 

I have always enjoyed Newcastle, so I often compare Browns to it, so I think I must say it has more sweetness and a little more body than Newcastle. I tasted it on one night during a beer fest, and it gave me quite a different taste than when I drank it first on the night.

CBC rating: 4. 

 This was handed to me by CBC member SteveBush.

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