Monday, March 26, 2012

Craft Beer Monday Review: Moonraker Scotch Ale

On our recent trip to Lunar brewing (see review here), I tasted a few beers, most of them good, some better. But my overall favorite that day was this one here, which I was glad to enjoy since I have always been fond of scotch ales and wee heavies, like Robert the Bruce and Belhaven Wee Heavy.

Served in a 21 oz thistle glass, this scotch ale was bold and sweet and overall very tasty. It was a pretty good deal too, price wise.

Poured thick and strong with very little hop presence, with a yellow-red head there was a fruity smell and a fresh cut harvest smell, followed by a taste that was mellow and smooth and sweet. The higher alcohol content was perfect for the tasting, because it was enough to affect the flavor but not too much to drown you out. This is unusual for me since a beer of this gravity usually blows me away too much to remember and talk about later.

I would put it on the top of the list and I think it was a good favorite for others there too-we recommended it to a few others and they agreed with us.

CBC Rating: 5. Drank at the brewery with Bingo.
ABV: 8%.

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